House of Hatten Christmas Collection

Snow day and Christmnas collections 154I collected House of Hatten Christmas ornaments, figures and statues for several years. After Christmas I would go and buy all I could afford at half price. One of the things about being a collector of anything is that you must have a place to put them. I got an old huge wall clock cabinet from Bill Matthews many years ago. I had it stripped and redone and glass shelves put it. It is about 5 feet tall and is hidden behind the entry hall door. It’s full of Christmas all the time, but no one ever sees it. The only other person I know that collects House of Hatten was Irma Gail Hatcher in Conway.  I just love the shapes and the color and the old world look.  I don’t even know if they are still making it anymore.  I got what I needed and just stopped buying. Snow day and Christmnas collections 160Snow day and Christmnas collections 159Snow day and Christmnas collections 158Snow day and Christmnas collections 156Snow day and Christmnas collections 155Snow day and Christmnas collections 149 Snow day and Christmnas collections 153

About Jim Gatling

Artist: primitive watercolors, colored pencil. Quilter: Original designs, Scrap quilts. Craftsman: Woodburning, Recycling Teacher: Retired MHS, SHCS K-12 Part Time. Collector: Antiques, Quilts, Glass, Buttons, Petit Point, Needlepoint, Hankies, Figural Perfume Bottles. Son, Father, Grandfather, Neighbor, Friend.
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8 Responses to House of Hatten Christmas Collection

  1. Vickie ludiker says:

    I have a collection of the House of Hatten! Love the old world look.

  2. g2taylor says:

    I’ve added this post to my blog at
    It is always fun to find other creative people’s blogs!

  3. Mary-Michele says:

    Hi! I have a question for you Jim. I bought a Denise Calla House of Hatten ornament in a REALLY dusty thrift shop. I tried cleaning with a dry q tip but nothing came off. Can a dab of water be applied? It is the cupboard keeper. …Please let me know what you think…Thank You

    • Jim Gatling says:

      I bought all of mine ne and they are all in a cabinet. So, I have never washed them.
      But, I find dirty things all the time. Since it probably has grease on it I would suggest to use 409 Spray
      and wet the rag first and try a section on the bottom somewhere. Then you will see if the paint is coming off.
      I would not soak it in water though. Great find! Thanks for the question. Happy Holidays!

  4. Stephanie says:

    I acquired five House of Hatten 1993 Nutcracker Suite figures at an estate sale recently and am wondering how many were in the original set.

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